The Little Things Can Inspire You

Just by listening to a song you can be inspired to do something with your life. My whole life i wanted to be a singer. I eat, breath , speak music. When i wake up the first thing i do is turn the music on my iphone. As i watch tv and watch all these stars i always say one day that will be me one day i will have millions of fans to support me one day i will make it. But you have to have a certain look to be in this game i have the looks the voice but i cant write music, and i am not afaid to say it. i write books, poetry but not music. But as i heard the Bow Wow and T-Pain song Better i just knew i can do it. i want to better my life and prove everyone wrong. I want to show all the family and friends who told me i couldnt do it that i can and will. All i need is a little bit of faith and to be at the right place at the right time i can and will make it. My grandmother always told me i can be anything i want to be if i want to conqure the world i can if i wanted. I know my furture i always wanted to be a lawyer, model and singer why i cant i be all three. As you read this post in a few months or week or even years i will be famous and you can so i know she could do it. Or if you dont believe in me you can look back at this post with a dumb look on you face.
-- Kamaria A. Mitchell --


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