What changed in my life for me to start eating raw

What changed for me.... 
    A few years ago i have heat attack like systems about two weeks after my birthday. My brother , sister and I had walked up to Walmart it wants far maybe a few miles away around 7 pm it wasn't a big deal. When we walked into Walmart i started to feel light headed i sat on the floor at Walmart for a while i just thought i was tired the as we walked home i was holding onto my brother i didn't think nothing of it because i ran a few miles that day i just thought it was pain from the run. i was the last one in the house as soon as i hit the door i couldn't breath , my eye sight was horrible and my stomach started to hurt. I had some medical training a flat surface my bed. In a matter of second i could breath i was in my room and on one could hear me hyperventilating. I couldn't speak i can remember trying to say someones name but i couldn't  I thought i was going to die that night. About 15 Minutes later my little brother found me in my room and he called my mom by that time i could speak nor move i could do anything i throw up every where and i couldn't do nothing.
    the ambulance ride was traumatic will what i can remember. my speech was gone i sounded like i just had a stroke. i don't remember much from that night . I cried and called for my grandmother and she didn't answer she had passed away a little while prior to that.  The EMT had to keep me away so i didn't fall asleep because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I didn't know if i was going to live or die. the rest of the night and into the morning i cant remember but slowly i was able to walk and write , and then speak after hours of trying. I finally understood what my grandmother felt not being able to speak and everyone treating you like a baby i was hard but i was determine to speak. Its almost a year and some of my word i studded i still cant say most words but i take it slow everyday. Most people don't know my story they just know what they heard.
     After a few trips to the hospital that week they still couldn't figure what was wrong. I was afraid to exercise because i didn't know when it could happen again it took me a few months to trust myself to walk long distances. I use to live in fear of dieing and wondering what was on the other side and now i live in fear that i wont be able to live a full life and accomplish everything before my time is up on this earth.

Why a year later start eating raw???
    See it all started with my mother one day she just said when all the meat is gone we are going Vegan and so she did. I was against it at first then i said what do i have to loose besides living in fear. So i vouched that On May 15 , 2013 i will go totally RAW no meat just fruit and veggies for local farms.

Take my life changing experience and learn from it we are not promised to see the next day so why shorten our days by eating pesticides and un-healthy foods. 


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