7 foods that help clear skin

7 foods that help clear skin

 1.) Nettles -   It helps calm skin and improve its like eczema and acne. With high levels of antioxidants.
      2.) Artichoke      High in antioxidants. It also Eases digesting , lowering cholesterol and helping the body’s natural immune system defenses.
     3.)Peppermint   - Aids digestion, relieves stress, and acne aggravation, treats headaches and clears sinuses. 
    4.)Red grapes     Natural chemicals and antioxidants. Whichs treat inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema
     5.) Acai -   Most potent forms of antioxidants in the world.  Great for skin, eliminate toxins and free radicals in the body
          6.) kale -  contains vitamins A, B complex, C , and K. as well as manganese, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, protein, folate, and phosphorus.  Clears toxins in skin.
      7.) Pumpkin seeds -   High in vitamin E , zinc, and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which helps clear the skin. 


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