How Can I Boost My Brain Power ????
Now we all typical know that our brain need energy in order to work. Your ability to focus as well as concentrate happen in the form of glucose that is in our blood to the brain. Now like everything else There is there pros as well as cons
1. ) Increase Whole Grains
Pros- It has fiber , It feels you up with fewer calories. Based upon research it can decrease the risk of having diabetes as well as certain cancers.
Cons- They contain Phytic Acid. It brings together the calcium leaching it from the GI tract and contribution to bone weakness and osteoporosis. They also Contain Antinurients which is a plant based defense mechanism that interfere with the digestion and lets toxic materials to be absorbed intno the blood stream.
2.) More Fish Oil (omega-3's)
Pros- Can reduce death form a heart attacks and strokes. can reduce the risk of having vision impairing muscular degeneration as well protect pregnant women form miscarriage ( more research is needed to be certain).
Cons- The nasty fishy taste. Heartburn, nausea a rash bad breath, or a mild form of diarrhea. Can increases a risk of having a stroke.
Like everything in the world it comes with a good price. Although these foods can help they can also hurt you.
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Disclamer :
A food that is good for you might not be good for someone else.
Dont be alarmed by the cons these foods do help people.
This blog is not to scare you but to give you knowledege about what you eat.
All of our bodies are diffrent
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