Picking and Choosing Your Battles

What people don't seem to understand is that everyone has a choice. We all have a choice to eat that candy or chose to get good grades. We all make our own decisions.  The hardest part is deciding to do something for yourself despite what people will think. If someone is bothering you and keeps picking on you why stoop to there level be above them and take the high road. See when someone sees you making something out of you life and they haven't it makes then jealous and thy lash out against you or try to put you down. Now at this moment you make a choice 

A.) Say something and start a fight 
 B.) Take the high road and brush it off. 

Now, at this moment you make a decision and you have to live with that decision no matter what it is. I comes a time in life where its time to grow up. I understand that not all the time you will take the high road but sometime we just have to someone has to be the bigger person why not let the person be you???


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