My change

Good morning this blog post will be a little different then the others one's I have posted. This one will be more personal. Enjoy!!!

About two days ago I was going through some of my clothes in my closet and dresser and I can barely fit any of my clothes. It made me start thinking about my eating habits and how I am living my life. Something needed to change. I stay at home because I go to school online I post YouTube videos and blogs every day or week i make sure my brothers do there homework and study. I clean most of my day and cook around 12 so it can be ready by 3pm. And something needs to change I am gaining weight i cant fit anything i have i have to wear everything stretchy just so i can fit in it. That night i made a promise to myself that i needed to take better care of myself. I needed to eat health and stop stressing all the time. for I started working out two days later and i feel so much better i been working out two times a day and haven't been eating a lot of junk food, I increased my intake of water and have been staying away from stress. I have never felt so good. My mother works out almost everyday and has lost a lot of weight so i figure if i stay consistent like her i can see some changes in my weight as well. 

Don't forget to subscribe and in the contact forum send me a message if you have any ideas or anything check out my YouTube channel in the navigation bar above. 

Dreams, Strength, Love and Happiness 


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