Myths or Fact For GIRLS

Check out UbyKotex they have some good advise as well as some good expert advise and parent advise. 

  • Using a Tampon means your not a VIRGIN anymore??

Myth - According to heath expert Molly O'Shea rather you had sex with a guy or not determines if you are a virgin. A virgin is a girl whose HYMEN is still intact. The hymen is tissue inside you vagina which is moved once it has been penetrated by a penis or falling on a bike cross bike or even using a tampon. Being that you can "POP your CHERRY"  before you can be considered having sex dose not mean you aren't a virgin. Therefore Tampons can be used before you had sex or after you had sex it dose not affect you virginity.  
  • I missed my period that means is am PREGNANT??
Myth - See some people are just irregular and sometimes miss there period or it come super late. Missing your period could mean many things like your overweight, underweight or even stressed or a hormonal imbalance. If you do miss you period contact you doctor and take a pregnancy test.  
  • You cant swim while you are on your PERIOD?? 
Myth- According to health expert Sandy Knauf you can absolutely swim while you are on your period. Just make sure you bathing-suit has a fitted bottoms  and change into a thin pad while you are hanging by the pool.  
  • Swimming in the ocean on you period can get you EATEN by sharks??
Myth - The started because of the movie Jaws. 
  • You cant WASH you hair during your period??
Myth- Fact, a warm shower or bath will help you stay clean can some people says it helps with cramps. So girl wash you hair it fine. 
  • Menstrual BLOOD is not the same blood as regular blood??
Myth- All of the blood in your body is the same. When you are on your period you body is cleaning itself and getting read of all the toxins in you body. Its a way your body cleans itself. 
  • You can tell when someone ISN'T a VIRGIN??
Myth- There is not certain way to tell i your hymen is intact physically. Some people say if you have a gap between your legs that means your a virgin this myth hasn't been proven right. But don't lie about it if you are virgin embrace it and don't be ashamed of yourself. 

Source : for more facts


U by Kotex®. get the facts. n.d. Kimberly-Clark brands. 13 09 2013. <>.

Disclaimer - I gathered the information form ubykotex who has professional state the facts also gives there opinion. I am just letting girls be aware of the changes there body will go through as well as what it true and false. To get more information about your period check out the Kotex Website.  


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