Other Things Kids Don't Think Is Bullying

It's time to put a stop to bullying. Kids everyday die from bullying on social media, in school, a home its became an epidemic. Now, what most people think is that bullying only happens at school or social media because that's all we talk about but let me break it down.  
  1.  It all Starts at Home. What i mean by that is >>> What people don't realize is taunting our brothers and sisters is a form of BULLYING. Taking little kids candy on Halloween is BULLYING. Calling them losers and making fun of there grades is a form of BULLYING. As kids we don't think twice about these things. We all think that's what we are suppose to do give our parents a hard time and be mean to our siblings. 
  2. Hanging Out With Friends. HUH? Lets say you and some friends are hanging out at the mall. And you see this girl that you just don't like the way she is looking at you or the way she dresses. What happens next is bullying you give that girl that stank eye then starts talking about here and doing things to make her think yall are talking about her. Subconsciously, she gets nervous thinking "are they talking about me? " or "is there something wrong with my pants?" you start thinking the worse. Now, we don't mean to be mean but its just something girls just do. 
And there are many more ways. See we think of somethings as just having fun with friends or just funny but in actuality we are being mean and not thinking about the other persons feelings, Especially , in middle and high school kids just do stuff to get a laugh. We all have different thoughts on this matter but the fact is bullying is wrong and should be stopped. 

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Disclaimer - Everything in this blog is my personal opinion. We all go thought stuff in life and i am just expressing my feelings towards the matters. The are more parts to bullying i know that people always talk about social media and at school like its the only form of bullying. 


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