Skyscraper Melting Cars ???? (London)

 Is London really Melting????
London has a new building in the city a 37-story skyscraper. Known as the 20 Fenchurch Street, and dubbed the "Walkie-Talkie Tower" based upon its curved shape. BEWARE!!! as the sun gets to a certain position and it hits that beautiful skyscraper just right the rays for the sun intensify's and melts cars, setting carpets up in flames!!!! Now, how scary is that walking outside and seeing a car melt. SCARY!!! Canary Wharf Group and Land Securities who are joint developers had his to say Monday "We are taking the issue of light reflecting from 20 Fenchurch Street very seriously and are looking into the matter as a priority." Pause !!!!! Flag on the plate you are taking it as a priority I have a simple plan Knock down the building and no cars will be melting , or setting things on fire. Please tell me what tourist is going to London when it is literally melting???? I can tell you who isn't going there ... Yuppp Me!!! On the serious note you are messing up business owners profits and peoples eye site . You shouldn't have to wear sunglasses to go get a hair cut or to go out to a restaurant .... London Fix this it don't make no since. 
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