Something To Make You Think

Good morning today i decided to play the "what if game". Here's how it goes i ask a what if question and you give me the answer in the comments below. Here We GO!!!

  1. What If american lost the war to Britain where would we be?
  2. What If we had mutated people?
  3. What If the world was a happy place?
  4. What If we settled wars with a hug instead of a war will call it a hug war? (Lol) 
  5. What If there were a few people left of earth who would you want to spend you time with?
Just some random questions to get you thinking today. Doing things like crosswords, etc... are good to use the parts of you brain that you don't normally use.

Have a wonderful day and remember 

Dreams, Strength, Love , and Happiness   


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