SuperBug ??? Deadly?? What !!!!!

Over 23,000 people have been killed each year from this so called "superbug" or the Super gonorrhea. 
 . This bug cant be killed by Antibiotics. People taking antibiotics for this bug is making the problem worse.  According the the U.S. CDC "at least 2 million in the united states develop serious bacterial infections that are resistant to one or more types of antibiotics each year, and at least 23,000 die from this infections."(Daily News). 
So what can we do to try prevent this bug that's killing people. 

  1. Wash Your hands - sing happy birthday while you are washing or you ABC's  .
  1. Cover you mouth when you cough
  1. Don't take your cell phone to the bathroom. - The bathroom is full of germs. 
  1. Take your vitamins to build your immune system.

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Comment about what you think about this!!!

Daily News. 'Super gonorrhea' and other antibiotic-resistant bugs deemed urgent threat by CDC. 17 09 2013. 19 09 2013. <>.
Maggie Fox, NBC News. 23,000 killed by superbugs in US each year, CDC says. 16 09 2013. 19 09 2013. <>.

 Disclaimer- I am not a professional nor am i a doctor. I am a blogger giving you the knowledge with facts and my opinion. What you do with this knowledge is up to you.   


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