Breast Cancer Exam

Breast Cancer Exam

I wanted to wait and do this blog until the end of breast cancer month. Breast cancer is a serious thing and we should just focus on one month out the year to worry about it. So below I will tell you step in order to perform you own breast exam. 

Step 1!!!!!
    • It's better if you take off all your clothes. Stand straight up and look at your breast in the mirror. Check and see if they are the same size , color, or even shape.
      • If you see and swelling, redness or rash or dimpling or  puckering, and if you nipples are starting to become inverted call your doctor and get checked out!!
Step 2!!!!!!
    • Put your arms over your head and check out your breast again. Take you pointer finger and thumb and squeeze both nipples and check for discharge
      • There shouldn't be and yellow or tinted with red.
Step 3!!!!!!
    • Now lay down and put you left hand under you head and use you opposite hand to examine the left breast. Use three fingers and smoothly, but firmly moving in a circular motion. Start off with a soft and thing increase the press as you move towards you rib cage. 
      • Make sure you do your entire breast the collarbone, armpit to the cleavage. 
Step 4!!!!!!!!
    • Stay standing and repeat the second step but check for lumps or even a difference in you breast tissue.
If a problem occurs during these examination them please consult a doctor. Everyone needs to get checkout. 


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