Nightly Confession #1 --- Dream

11/18/13  1:40 AM
                                                                     Nightly Confession  #1
I have to say today was a crazy day. With problems with my moms car and having to deal with people it was a interesting day Today will have to be the day i actually woke up not literally because i been sleep for hours but mentally. See i couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I couldn't figure out what how to start my future with no money and no nothing, A few years i had my whole life planned out i was going to go to college and finish i was going to be a lawyer or photographer. I would live on campus for my undergrad years then move in an apartment. I would find a job to support me so i can put myself through college. I wanted to do everything by myself. But then reality hit I couldn't afford college i couldn't even get a student loan. I couldn't find a job anywhere I got a few temporary jobs here and there and babysitting for my auntie but other than that nothing. I just dont know how to turn my life around. There is so many people depended on me and I feel like i am just letting them down. Man I feel like I am an embarrassment to myself. Now all I have to do is figure out where that girl is inside me who was a dreamer. She thought she could take on the world. I gotta find here and figure out how to dream and smile. 

Remember: We all go through stuff but its up to you to figure out what you will do about it. I can tell you my life story but will you listen? Will you learn from my mistakes? Just a little something to think about.    


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