Did We Forget the Meaning of Christmas

Did We Forget The Meaning of Christmas

Do we really know what Christmas is?
Have we forgot what Christmas feels like? 
Have we really forgot what it feels like to give?
 Have we taught our children that Christmas is only about getting gifts and eating food? 

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. When I was growing up my family didn't have a lot of money to get gifts but my mother always seemed to get some. See as I grew older starting in November my count down for Christmas started. I would start singing Christmas songs, rearranging the living room for the Christmas decorations. I was prepared for after Thanksgiving dinner I would drink hot coco and put up the tree and read my brothers and sister Twas' The Night Before Christmas. This holiday just gets me in the season of giving. When I was little I didn't receive the gifts that I asked Santa but I got something. And real quick I figured out it not what you have its the thought that counts, its giving and spending time with family that counts. 
Every year since then I prepared for this season it was more than just a holiday it was a day when family comes together no matter what and put all differences aside and celebrate.
 I told me brother that this Christmas we will be changing some things up. I told him that this Christmas we would give their gifts to someone who need them. And he was just upset he said that he needed them and he didn't want to give away his stuff. Its crazy how someone quickly forget were they came from. How if someone wasn't kind enough to give us gifts we wouldn't have had a merry Christmas a few years ago. Where were in their same position hoping that someone would help use out just so we wouldn't be disappointed.Christmas was just another day to be happy and appreciate each other. 
Kids in this century think Christmas is just them getting gifts its like we forgot to tell them the story of Christmas. We forgot to humble our children. We forget to teach them to give back. We forgot to teach them to cherish every moment of everyday. We forgot to tell let them feel what its like to give back. We forgot everything about this holiday and what it means to us.  


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