How to Know if You are doing is Right????

How to Know if You are doing is Right???? 
Dear Kamaria, 

I have a problem and may be you can help me. See over the past few days I have been trying to see where I fit in my family. Trying to finds exactly who am I. And I came to the realization that I am a person who follows the rules. I am the person that dose for others before thinking about herself. I want to make everyone else happy and think about what make me happy later. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I decide what is best for me and live my dreams or do I settle and take care of everyone else??? ....  
How do I know what is right and how to I know what is right for me ??? How do you choose??  
Can you help me? 

Love Confused Girl  0_o 

I received this email and I knew that I had to respond with a post. I first want to say thank your for reading my blog and watching my youtube videos... 
 My Response.... 
See I struggle with the same thing I can't seen to find a balance. People like us want to please everybody and we don't think twice about it. You need money we wont hesitate twice to give it to you. My advise is to do what is best for you even if no one likes it. Do what makes you feel happy. Do what ever makes you smile. At the end of the day you have to live with your decisions and think back "Did I make to right choice?". Doing for others is a good think but you also have to do for yourself. 


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