I was browsing the internet looking for Tags for my Youtube channel. And i came across this blog tag. I wasn't tagged but i am going to the the tag any way. I saw this on Geeky Fashionista Blog. I am going to take the questions from her blog and turn it into my own tag with the same rules.If A youtuber is tagged do a video and tag me so i can see it !!!!   

  1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
  2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer.
  3. Choose eleven people and link them in your tag.
  4. Go to their page and tell them.
  5. No tag backs.
  6. You legitimately have to tag.
  1. I'm obsessed with purses and shoes. 
  2. I have the entire China Glaze Colours From the Capitol nail polish collection.
  3. I have never seen a 300 movie
  4. I have lived in New Jersey, Georgia, Mississippi, and North Carolina.
  5. I am a Jersey Girl. 
  6. I love to make other people happy.
  7. I almost forgot what my natural hair looked like. 
  8. I love to do crafts. 
  9. I am writing two books. 
  10. I am obsessed with Pet Sage, and SubWay Surfer. 
  11. I am a Youtuber 
  1. What is the last book you read? I don't remember ..maybe Breaking Dawn for ever ago. 
  2. Is your hair curly, wavy, or straight? Naturally curly, but its straightened now 
  3. Mac or PC? Mac, but i have a PC
  4. Have you ever purchased and used a Groupon? No, i want to 
  5. Do you enjoy cooking? I love to cook. I one of my ways to relieve stress. (Baking)
  6. Do you have any pets? I have none but my mother has a German Shepard
  7. Wordpress or Blogger? Blogger. I'ved never used Wordpress
  8. If you had to give up either Facebook or makeup for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Facebook. I don't use my Facebook really. 
  9. , what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a princess, a model, singer, writer, lawyer, photographer, doctor, and i still don't know what i want to be.  
  10. Do you have any scars? How did you get them? I have a few scars but idk how i got most of them 
  11. Dream job? I don't have one dream job i want to do different things at the same time.  
  1. Do you have a nickname? Yes, Cookie, Lil Bit, Jersey, KiKi, Kay, Kam, Miss. Jersey, KK
  2. Have you ever subscribed to a beauty box and if so which one/s? As of right now, I am subscribed to Ipsy.  
  3. Favorite YouTuber? There are so many if i love them i subscribe to them.
  4. Which song is currently stuck in your head? Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus 
  5. Morning or night person? Night 
  6. Celebrity crush? idk 
  7. If you could visit any country, where would you go? Africa , and Europe
  8. What was your first job? Family business 
  9. Favorite childhood tv shows? Flint Stones, Sister Sister, Smart Guy Etc. So many
  10. What food could you eat everyday and not get tired of? monsterella cheese 
  11. Last movie you saw? The Hobbit in 3D 

I tag anyone who reads this answer these questions and tag some one .
Youtubers and Bloggers make a video or just post or comment.


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