Donald Sterling Clippers Owner ... RACIST????

Back Story:
 LA Clippers owner told his Alleged "girlfriend" that he didn't want her to publicly associate herself with minorities. She saw Magic Johnson someone she admires and she took a picture with him and put it on instagram; she also took him to one of the clippers games. Mr. Sterling told her she cold sleep with them, and love them in her heart but not publicly.  

Now, this isn't the first account that he has said something racist. 
  • In 2005, He paid $5 million in attorney fees alone plus a undisclosed sum because he tried to force Korean residents out of apartments that he owned in KoreaTown in L.A..  
  • In 2009, Sterling paid $2.7 million  to settle a discrimination lawsuit against blacks, Hispanics and families with children.  
  • In 2008, Elgin Baylor Hall of Famer sued Donald Sterling and the whole clippers franchise calming he was forced out of his job as general manager due to age and race bias. 
This isn't the first occasion that that Donald Sterling has said something racist his true colors was showing a long time ago. He was never know for being the nicest guy in the NBA. We as an black community judge our own but when someone else does it its a big deal and world war 3. We degrade our women we exploit them in a sexual manner and treat them like nothing. Calling them Bitches, Hoes, and Thots. 
Now, don't get anything twisted I am not saying that it is okay to be racist in anyway towards anyone. 
In a positive note we as an community blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, etc... stood up and made it know that we are not taking this anymore. He was banned from the NBA for life and had to pay a 2.5 million dollar lawsuit. They want hem to sell it but he would just get a lovely lump some of money so just keep hitting him in his pockets and I bet you all his racist view will go away and he will appreciate his team members employees and the minority community as and whole.     

Check out audio: TMZ


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