1. Why it takes us so freaking long to get ready!!!
    • Like come on we are only going to the store and back you don't have to put on 6 Inch. heels and take a shower
  2. We say one thing but mean the opposite.
    • Example: Your boyfriend or husband ask you what you want to eat. And you say I dont care. Now he is throwing out ideas and you and turning down everyone of them. Like really so you do care where we eat. 
  3.  Bravo and VH1 are our weakness
    • Love and Hip hop, Basketball Wives and Real house wives are amazing shows I dont like how they act but it makes for some good television.
  4. We have a dying love or social media
    • Instagram, Twitter, and Pintrest we just can't get enough of. 
  5. We wear heels and wax but in the end all we do is complain about it.
    • I love heels but they hurt my feet sometimes and waxing girls do it but will complain about it the same day then set up an appointment in about two weeks for another painful waxing. SMH!! 
  6. We have the tendency to say we have nothing to wear
    • Have you seen your closet you have staff just to organize you closet. Your closet has a closet. You have a closet for your shoes, purses,clothes, etc... Really  
  7. Loosing our bobbie pins
    1. I don't know what it is but bobbie pins just disappear one minute you have a head full of them and the next its gone. That's one company that will NEVER go out of business 
  8. We take a million and one pictures just to post one on social media
    • We love pictures anyway but when it comes to social media we have a whole photo shoot just for one picture. One pictures and we do this several times a day. 


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